CIEĽ: 300 000 €

Ako pomohli nám?

Po 2. svetovej vojne nám doručili pomoc v prepočte za 300 miliónov eur.
Išlo o potravinové balíčky, deky, oblečenie, ale aj techniku či naftu. Pomohli nám, aby sme sa postavili opäť na nohy. Teraz žijeme v bezpečnej krajine plnej rôznych možností. Pomôžme deťom, ktoré vyrastajú vo vojne, v krajinách, kde chýba pitná voda či prístup ku vzdelaniu. Staňme sa hrdinami dnešných dní, pošlime dobrú správu, obdarujme darčekom pre život či vyzvime priateľov, aby sa k nám pridali.

Circa 1946 in Germany, a small displaced girl, wrapped in blankets and sitting on a mound of belongings, waits to continue her journey home. [THIS IMAGE PROVIDED COURTESY UN ARCHIVES. INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE EXTENT AVAILABLE.]
The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) was created in 1943 to assist with relief operations and global recovery from the devastation of World War II. Focusing primarily on Europe and China, it finally closed in 1949 as its mandate was subsumed in the long-term development work of other United Nations agencies. UNRRA's work for children was taken over by UNICEF, created on 11 December 1946.
Circa 1950 in the north-western town of Castoria, a boy holds a folded UNICEF-supplied blanket, clutching the skirt of a woman who has one hand on his shoulder and the other holding the hand of another child, with another blanket under her arm. [INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE EXTENT AVAILABLE.]
In the north-western town of Castoria in Greece, UNICEF supplies daily milk rations, cod-liver oil and other foods for children and lactating mothers, as well as blankets and soap to families, including some 40 children, displaced by World War II from their mountain villages further to the north. A short time ago, UNICEF assisted a population of 800 displaced in this town, and continues to aid them in their home villages.
Circa 1946 in Egypt, children, including two boys in a toy wagon made from salvaged wood, play in the UNRRA refugee camp in Tolumbat. Ante Peruvici, holding the teddy bear, is from Yugoslavia. [THIS IMAGE PROVIDED COURTESY UN ARCHIVES. INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE EXTENT AVAILABLE.]
The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) was created in 1943 to assist with relief operations and global recovery from the devastation of World War II. Focusing primarily on Europe and China, it finally closed in 1949 as its mandate was subsumed in the long-term development work of other United Nations agencies. UNRRA's work for children was taken over by UNICEF, created on 11 December 1946.

Ako môžete pomôcť vy?

1 000 hrdinov

buď hrdina

Cieľ: 1 000

30 000 dobrých správ

pošli sms

Cieľ: 30 000

3 300 darčekov


Cieľ: 3 300

30 vyzývateľov


Cieľ: 30

130 000 dobrých skutkov


Cieľ: 130 000

Pridaj sa k našej misii, ktorá trvá už 75 rokov

Naše poslanie

Deň čo deň sa snažíme, aby každé dieťa malo detstvo, v ktorom je milované, chránené, zdravé, vzdelávané,
a v ktorom je schopné naplniť svoj potenciál. A to tak na Slovensku, ako aj v ktorejkoľvek krajine sveta.

Dali sme deťom sľub. Teraz potrebujeme ten váš.